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If you don't have Foliant installed, please follow the instructions first.

Step 1. Create a new project

$ foliant init

Or with Docker

$ docker run --rm -it --user $(id -u):$(id -g) -v $(pwd):/usr/src/app -w /usr/src/app foliant/foliant init

Step 2. cd into the folder created by command

$ cd my-project

Step 3. Edit the Markdown source of your documentation located in src/

To build a static site with MkDocs, install the MkDocs backend (skip this step if you are using Docker)

pip3 install foliantcontrib.mkdocs

Step 4. Build the site with foliant make command

$ foliant make site

Or with Docker

$ docker-compose run --rm foliant make site

Done! Your site is generated in the My_Project-2020-05-25.mkdocs folder, crank up a webserver to take a look at it

$ python3 -m http.server -d My_Project-2020-05-25.mkdocs
Serving HTTP on port 8000 ( ...

Now let's build a DOCX out of the same source. You will need Pandoc and Pandoc backend for that, the instructions for installing them are in the installation guide.

Step 5. Build docx

$ foliant make docx

With Docker you will need to adjust the Dockerfile first, replace the first line with the following

- FROM foliant/foliant
+ FROM foliant/foliant:pandoc

and rebuild the image

$ docker-compose build

Finally, run the make command inside the container

$ docker-compose run --rm foliant make docx

Done! The My_Project-2020-05-25.docx is created in the project dir.

If you want to know more about how Foliant works, check out the Architecture And Basic Design Concepts or just dive straight into Your First Foliant Project.

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