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Installation of Foliant is split into three stages: installing Python with your system’s package manager, installing Foliant with pip, and optionally installing Pandoc and TeXLive bundle. Below you’ll find the instructions for three popular platforms: macOS, Windows, and Ubuntu.

Alternatively, you can avoid installing Foliant and its dependencies on your system by using Docker and Docker Compose.


  1. Install Python 3 with Homebrew:

    $ brew install python3

  2. Install Foliant with pip:

    $ pip3 install foliant foliantcontrib.init

  3. If you plan to bake PDF or DOCX, install Pandoc and MacTeX with Homebrew:

    $ brew install pandoc mactex librsvg

Finally, install the Pandoc backend:

   $ pip3 install foliantcontrib.pandoc


  1. Install Scoop package manager in PowerShell:

    $ iex (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('')

  2. Install Python 3 with Scoop:

    $ scoop install python

  3. Install Foliant with pip:

    $ python -m pip install foliant foliantcontrib.init

  4. If you plan to bake pdf or DOCX, install Pandoc and MikTeX with Scoop:

    $ scoop install pandoc latex

Finally, install the Pandoc backend:

   $ pip3 install foliantcontrib.pandoc


  1. Install Python 3 with apt.

On 18.04 or higher Python 3 will already be installed. Check that by running:

   $ python3

If it is not installed, here's a way to install the latest version:

   $ sudo apt update
   $ sudo apt install software-properties-common
   $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
   $ sudo apt install python3.9 python3-pip
  1. Install Foliant with pip:

    $ pip3 install foliant foliantcontrib.init

  2. If you plan to bake pdf or DOCX, install Pandoc and TeXLive with apt and wget:

    $ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install -y texlive-full librsvg2-bin pandoc

Finally, install the Pandoc backend:

   $ pip3 install foliantcontrib.pandoc


There is a selection of Docker images for Foliant in the Docker hub:

  • foliant/foliant:slim — minimal image of Foliant with no extensions;
  • foliant/foliant — the basic image with just Foliant core and the init command;
  • foliant/foliant:pandoc — asic image with the addition of TexLive and Pandoc for building PDF and DOCX;
  • foliant/foliant:full — the full image with all official Foliant extensions and third-party tools required for them to work.

Choose the image you want and run the docker pull command

$ docker pull foliant/foliant

If you are new to Docker, check our tutorial on using Foliant with Docker.

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